NFC-250/200H-NG Navien Fire Tube Combi Boiler, 13 - 210,000 Btu DWV , 183,000 Heat 95%, WITH PUMP, 1" Supply & Return, 3/4" DHW , 3/4" Gas, Vent 2'/65' or 3"/150'CPVC/PP/SS, 3 Zone Valves or Pumps Capable. Manifold is 1 1/2", 145# --REPLACES NFC200 & NFC200H--

NFC-250/200H-NG Navien Fire 
Tube Combi Boiler, 13 - 
210,000 Btu DWV , 183,000 Heat 
95%, WITH PUMP, 1" Supply & 
Return, 3/4" 
DHW , 3/4" Gas, Vent 2'/65' or 
3"/150'CPVC/PP/SS, 3 Zone 
Valves or  Pumps Capable. 
Manifold is 1 1/2", 145#  

Product #: NFC250/200H

Weight: 145


NFC-250/200H-NG Navien Fire Tube Combi Boiler, 13 - 210,000 Btu DWV , 183,000 Heat 95%, WITH PUMP, 1" Supply & Return, 3/4" DHW , 3/4" Gas, Vent 2'/65' or 3"/150'CPVC/PP/SS, 3 Zone Valves or Pumps Capable. Manifold is 1 1/2", 145# --REPLACES NFC200 & NFC200H--